别墅外观设计中质朴的色彩粗糙的水泥墙和拱形的窗户呈现了经典意大利农场屋的风格。 Houses exterior view, rough stucco walls, earthy colors, arched windows are the elements of an Old Italian Farm House
坚固的木制大门是别墅外观设计的一个核心看点。长青藤和老式的盆栽植物强调了乡村风格。 Solid wood entry door is the main feature of the House''s exterior. The climbing ivys and old brick planter boxes adds the country look.
阳光充足的长廊,适合从春到秋的室外活动,可以做阳光浴,观赏花园,看孩子们嬉戏以及用于家庭烧烤。 Sunny porch, excellent al fresco living space from spring to Autumn. Enjoy the Sun and the Garden, watch the children''s play, great for a family BBQ.
入口是一个很大的空间,阳光充足。粗糙的水泥墙,瓷砖地板,拱形大门是第一层室内空间的主要特色。 Entry Hall, full of light and space. Rough stucco walls, tile floors, and arches define the interior spaces on the ground floor.
室内设计中运用了砖块,瓷砖,石膏和木头众多材料来营造出一种温暖,古老和舒适的感觉。装修设计的点睛之笔是一个新建的壁炉装饰着砖砌的炉边和厚实的木制壁炉台。在寒冷的冬天里一家人可以在这儿读书休闲。 The interior finishes use brick, tile, plaster, and wood to give a sense of warmth, age, and comfort to the house. Central to the plan is a newly constructed fireplace with a brick hearth and a heavy wooden mantlepiece. This is where the family will spent their time reading in the winter days.
餐厅紧挨着厨房。粗制的榆树梁是从拆毁的建筑中找来的材料做成的,给天花板一种天然的感觉。这儿是招待客人的地方,食物的香味和幽默的谈话一样令人愉悦。 Dining Room with the kitchen in the back ground.Rough-hewn elm beams, recovered from demolished buildings, give an authentic character to the ceiling plane.This place will held many great dinner parties where the scent of delicious food and humourous conversations fills the air.
厨房装修大气功能齐全。极简设计的现代橱柜和不锈刚配件与古董墙面砖形成了对比,呼应了古老房子里的新式厨房这一主题,女主人对此极其喜爱。 The kitchen has a generous, functional plan. The simple contemporary cabinets and the stainless steel appliances provide a contrast to antique wall tiles, accentuating the appearance of a newly renovated kitchen in an old house. This is a dream kitchen for the lady of the house.
早餐室,静谧的温暖的可以在此消磨一个慵懒的周日时光。 Breakfast Room, quiet and sunny place to relex on alzay Sunday morning.
这是楼梯转角的地方。 This is the connection point between the ground floor spaces and the stairs
客卫里的两个石猴是古董市场上淘来的,和木长凳,陶制地面砖,马赛克墙面极其相配,令人印象深刻。 Guest Bathroom, the two stone monkeys and the stone trough basin was found in the local antique market, the solid wood bench, terracotta floor tile, the stoen mosaic, are timeless design feature fits perfectly together. This room will impress any guests.
楼上的家庭室和卧室采用同样的风格,加工过的硬木地板同样给人温暖和古老的感觉。 The same theme continues upstairs in the family room and bedrooms where sculpted hardwood flooring provides visual warmth and an antique look.
孩子游戏室设计得富有童趣。 Kids playroom is full of fun。
为房主的小女儿设计的房间极舒适和温暖。 Warm and cosy room for a little princess.
主卫 Master bathroom
暖色调的典雅的主卧室装饰着古董家俱和地毯。悬臂式楼梯通向阁楼。 Warm and spacoius master bedroom, deocrated with antique furniture and carpet.Cantilever stairs leads to the attic